Catching out the Cowboy Contractors!

When choosing a contractor for a repair or renovation the most fundamental of screening techniques is the assurance that the contractor is properly licensed. The license number makes it easy to know what a particular contractor or company is licensed to do, but only if we know the code!
The letters identify the type of work the contractor is licensed to perform and the numbers specify the individual contractor or company. A builder can build any building in or below the license level, so a General Contractor could build a home, but a Residential Contractor could not build a bank!
The homeowner who hires unlicensed contractors is responsible for all unpaid bills, fines, and worst of all, payment for any injury to the unlicensed contractor!

When significant repairs are needed, few times in the life of a homeowner can be more challenging than. The number of decisions, options and issues seems endless, the most daunting of which is contractor selection.
When choosing a contractor for a repair or renovation the most fundamental of screening techniques is the assurance that the contractor is properly licensed. The tales of tragedy brought about by the illegal actions of unlicensed contactors are enough to scare us into never making repairs! Thankfully, it is easy and free to eliminate these thieves from our lives if we do some simple research.
The State of Florida requires that all contractors be properly licensed under the auspices of The Construction Industry Licensing Board. Each licensed contractor or company qualified to conduct business in the state has a license number. The license number makes it easy to know what a particular contractor or company is licensed to do, but only if we know the code!
Nearly every license issued by the State of Florida is a combination of three letters and six numbers. The letters identify the type of work the contractor is licensed to perform and the numbers specify the individual contractor or company.
Certified General Contractor
( Builders of big buildings).
Certified Building Contractor.
( Builders of small offices and stores).
Certified Residential Contractor.
( Builders of homes).
It's starting to get simple! The licenses end and begin in the letter "C". A builder can build any building in or below the license level, so a General Contractor could build a home, but a Residential Contractor could not build a bank!
Every system in a home or building is also required to be installed or repaired by properly licensed people. The simple secret code on this is:.
CCC Certified Roofing Contractor.
CAC Certified Mechanical Contractor (Heating and Air).
CPC Certified Pool Contractor.
CFC Certified Plumbing Contractor.
EC Electrical Contractor.
To help us even more in avoiding unlicensed contractors the state requires that a contractor display their license number on every vehicle, invoice, bid, business card and solicitation. You can tell if a person is licensed before you even speak to them!
Most people assume that the risk posed by unlicensed work is limited to poor quality or unfinished work. The homeowner who hires unlicensed contractors is responsible for all unpaid bills, fines, and worst of all, payment for any injury to the unlicensed contractor!
A quick link to all this and more, including everything you ever wanted to know about permitting - but were afraid to ask - is at Forewarned is forearmed, so check it out and keep the risks of illegal and unlicensed work away from your home!


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